Technical advisory services requiring specialist inputs have been provided to several clients. Illustrative examples of services provided are as follows.
Economic and financial feasibility studies have been a part of all infrastructure projects. These include all roads considered for the Third Farm to Market Roads project funded by the Asian Development Bank and those included in the Japanese funded Farm to Market/Rural roads in Balochistan, Sindh, Punjab and NWFP. These projects involved preparation of detailed technical designs and specifications, estimates, standard bid documents and bid evaluation of the project roads as per Asian Development Guidelines.

Under the ADB TA 3897-PK in Balochistan and ADB TA 4116-PAK in NWFP prioritization and feasibility studies of over 3,000 kms of national, provincial and rural roads were conducted.
Similarly, ACC carried out prioritization and feasibility studies of over 1,000 kms of candidate provincial and rural roads in the Country.

In collaboration with M/s Louis Berger International, USA, feasibility studies for privatization of National Highway N-5 were carried out on behalf of National Highway Authority. The services provided included traffic studies, condition surveys, pavement design reviews, cost estimation and feasibility studies.
Development of Monitoring and Evaluation model for the National Trade Corridor Improvement Program (NTCIP). ACC staff was engaged for collecting last 5 years data and compiling base line indicators on all trade corridor improvement project sectors – Air Transport, Ports & Shipping, Railways, Road Transport, and Customs. The indicators were used to develop an M&E computer model for monitoring effectiveness of the NTCIP and report submitted to the World Bank (2010)
Pakistan Infrastructure Implementation Capacity Assessment study for planned projects under the Medium Term Development Framework (2005-10), Conducted wide ranging and in depth research on the capacity of stakeholders (institutions, contractors, consultants) to undertake and deliver large scale infrastructure projects. The study involved an analysis of the construction industry in Pakistan, its structure, capacity and performance and regional industry studies covering the UAE, India, Malaysia, Indonesia, and China. Research was carried out on the request of the Planning Commission and findings and recommendations widely disseminated to all stakeholders. Main recommendations were to pursue PPP through SPVs for mega projects. Research resulted in 12 Bank publications. The World Bank, 2006-08
Post Evaluation Data Collection Survey (PEDACS) on JBIC financed projects in Pakistan. Project entailed post evaluation survey of Yen loan projects in Pakistan. Four projects were reviewed in detail: Indus Highway Project Phase I&II, Pakistan Locomotive Factory Construction Project, Diesel Electric Locomotive Rehab Project I and Diesel Electric Locomotive Production Project II. ACC staff coordinated the post evaluation study and had direct responsibility for the road sector analysis and assessment of National Highway Authority Institutional Sustainability. The road sector analysis and institutional assessment covered recent organizational structural changes in NHA, effectiveness of the new structure, future challenges and program, efforts made by NHA to strengthen technical capacity, effectiveness of measures – evidence through performance, development of technical standards for planning and design since the 1990’s, financial aspects including receipts and expenditure analysis and gaps, financing of road maintenance, recommendations for sustainable financing for road maintenance and development plans. JBIC/ICNET Nov/Dec 2004
Transport sector investment portfolio review for Planning Commission. Analysis of transport sector policy and projects for Planning Commission, GOP with focus on road sector projects portfolio – allocations, releases, utilization and throw forwards. GOP 2004
Second Sindh Structural Adjustment Credit, Sindh Reforms Program for infrastructure component, $100 million, the World Bank, April 2003
Review of a US $ 6 billion development portfolio of National Highway Authority, Government of Pakistan. Assignment focused on critical review and analysis of over 54 FIDIC based existing contracts, five O&M concession agreements pertaining to infrastructure assets and over 52 new projects already in the pipeline. Carried out detailed capacity analysis; Determined demand, allocation & releases of NHA’s PSDP (Public Sector Development Program) & future projections. Analyzed and forecast Revenue Streams, prepared Amortization Schedules for Funded/Aided Projects. Carried out detailed economic/financial analysis, cost benefit analysis, determined NPV/$ invested of all projects and developed a rationalized and prioritized medium term program for the National Highways Sector – the World Bank (1999).