Rural/Urban Infrastructure – Development Sector
ACC experts have extensive experience in the development sector having worked on projects with SDC, CIDA, The World Bank, Asian Development Bank, the International Fund for Agricultural Development and various NGOs.
- Third Party Verification (TPV) of Community Driven Local Development (CDLD) Program in 12 districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. An 80 million Euro budgetary support program. The validation required an assessment of compliance in implementation of the CDLD policy documents covering all processes and stakeholders and a technical evaluation of assets created under the project in Swat, Shangla, Chitral, Upper Dir, Lower Dir, Malakand, Buner, Nowshera, Swabi, Haripur, Torghur, and Battagram districts. The sectors involved in the CDLD program included Rural Access Roads, Works, Irrigation, Drinking Water Supply, Education, Social, Health, Sanitation, Agriculture, Sports and Livelihoods. Validation tools included questionnaires, focus group discussions, community interviews, physical verification of over 5,000 sub projects and assets created, budgetary processes and expenditure verification, institutional frameworks assessment, capacity building, MIS database development and others. – EU (2018-20).

- Rural water supply projects at Hilldolo, near Murree, sponsored by CIDA, which entailed using perennial flow of springs to provide a reliable source of water for a small village near Murree.
- ADB TA for NWFP Urban Development Project for seven towns carried out in association with M/s Carlbro (Denmark) focused on urban planning, design of infrastructure, institutional strengthening, capacity building, and participatory urban development and infrastructure services, ADB 1998-1999.

- Technical services for the Project Completion Report of the ADB Balochistan Rural Development Sector Project.
- Project Preparation of Southern Punjab Poverty Alleviation Project, US$40 million. Project components include livestock, agriculture, irrigation, infrastructure, social protection, poverty mapping, gender, community mobilization and development. Project is to be implemented in four poverty districts of Southern Punjab – Bahawalpur, Bahawalnagar, DG Khan and Rajanpur. Carried out project appraisal of infrastructure and Initial Environmental Examination components, Pakistan, IFAD 2009.

- Preparation and Appraisal of $US250 million, Third Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund project. Project components evaluated included Social Mobilization; Livelihoods & Training; Micro Finance; Community Infrastructure – rural roads, street paving and drainage, water, irrigation, integrated projects, micro-hydels, windmills, solar; and Health & Education. World Bank 2009.
- Small Scale Community Infrastructure Projects delivery mechanisms and effectiveness. Study involves comparing community infrastructure delivered through three Bank funded projects – NWFP-CIP II, AJK CISP and the PPAF II with respect to sustainability, impact on livelihoods, formation of higher level community organizations and linkages with public and private sector organizations, what works? Staff assisted the World Bank in preparing TF grant proposal, The World Bank, 2009.
- Mid Term Review of $US 22 million, AJK Community Development Project. The program components include a focus on: Gender sensitive community development; Establishment of a community development fund [microfinance and community physical infrastructure windows – for small scale social and economic infrastructure benefiting a single community organization or inter/intra community level small scale infrastructure with priorities established through a community demand driven process and Village Development Plans]; An innovation window to support small scale enterprise development, economic infrastructure, agricultural practices, women development etc.; and a natural resource management component, IFAD, 2008

- US$25 million, Barani Village Development Project, Project Completion Review Mission. The BVDP project in barani (rain-fed) areas of Punjab province covered the rural areas of Rawalpindi region including the tehsils of Attock, Talagang, Pind Dadan Khan, Jand, Pindi Gheb, and Gujar Khan benefitting 32,000 households in 890 villages. The BVDP objectives included: (1) improving agricultural production and productivity, (2) improving the incomes of the rural poor (3) establishing and strengthening Community Organizations (Cos) as the institutions through which technical and social services can be sustainably provided (4) improving the status and economic condition of women in culturally acceptable ways (5) improving physical conditions by providing water supply systems, link roads, and school buildings and (6) increasing opportunities for on-farm and off-farm employment in the Project area. IFAD, 2007

- Supervision missions for Second Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund, Infrastructure Component, a $US 368 million program. The project components include: Credit and Enterprise Development (CED); Community Physical Infrastructure (CPI); Human and Institutional Development (HID); and Social Sector Development Program (SSDP). The project (PPAF Phase I & II) met all targets and achievements included:
- Working with over 68 Partner Organizations (NGOs) across the country
- Financing deployed in 108 districts, 236 tehsils and more than 23,000 villages
- More than 62,000 Community Organizations formed
- Almost 12 million people variously benefited
- More than 1,000,000 micro credit loans with a 100% recovery rate
- Over 70 education and health facilities in rural areas
- More than 11,500 community physical infrastructure projects completed through community participation
- Cumulative disbursement (PPAF I&II) of over Rs 22 billion (US$ 380m)
- PPAF Water Management Centre established with state of the art GIS
- 165,000 individuals have attended 5,000 training and skill development events
- The CPI projects ($US 71 million) selected through a community demand driven process/community organizations, have benefitted over 2.5 million persons. The World Bank, July 2004-2008.
- ADB Multi-Sector Rehabilitation Project, Govt. of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, provided inputs for the largest component of the USD$ 100 million multi-sector project covering health, education, transport, power and water supply sectors. ADB, May-June 2004
- World Bank Supervision Mission for Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund (PPAF) Phase I and Phase II, World Bank 2003-2004
PPAF Project Appraisal Missions and preparation for PPAF Phase II, World Bank, 2003.

- World Bank-SDC sponsored Community based infrastructure development project in 55 communities in NWFP undertaken in collaboration with M/s OPCV Australia. The main objectives were to increase the productivity and wellbeing of low income groups in NWFP. Project focused on improving low income living conditions through the provision of basic infrastructure, promotion of community development, applying demand driven participatory design procedures for affordable standards of infrastructure, and strengthening the ability of provincial and local governments to collaborate with the communities. Infrastructure components involved designing of roads, water supply schemes, sewerage, storm water drains, housing facilities and other infrastructure. Procurement Documents were prepared considering the community participatory nature of the projects. (1996-1998).

Infrastructure components involved designing of roads, water supply schemes, sewerage, storm water drains, housing facilities and other infrastructure. Procurement Documents were prepared considering the community participatory nature of the projects. (1996-1998).