PPP projects continue to gain importance in the development of infrastructure. ACC has provided services to various clients on the delivery of infrastructure projects under the PPP mode.
ACC completed the first BOT highway project in Pakistan – Lahore-Faisalabad Dual Carriageway (120 km). Services included detailed feasibility studies; tolling studies; preliminary designing; cost estimation and detailed engineering design of highway and bridges; detailed design of project management office buildings & service areas, toll plazas and other facilities; preparation of concession agreement; and construction supervision. FWO/LAFCO

Lakhpass Tunnel Project (N-40). ACC was engaged as consultant by M/s Rakhshani Tollways Co. and later Frontier Works Organization (FWO). The project started off as a deep open cut at Lakhpass. The project scope was later changed to that of a tunnel including realignment of existing highway, design of interchanges between N-40 and N-25 and other related works. Services included technical studies; planning and designing; financial modeling and sensitivity analysis; and preparation of draft concession agreement, NHA/FWO.
Hyderabad – Sukkur Motorway Project. Provided technical studies; planning and detailed design; including inputs for bidding purpose to NHA.
Feasibility studies for proposed PPP mode highway projects in Punjab: Advisory services provided to the client for the proposed Lahore–Kahna–Kasur; Wazirabad–Sambrial–Sialkot; and Khanewal–Lodhran highways, FWO

Development of National Trade Corridor, Highway Business Plan – appraisal and project preparation for a logistics hub at Sundar Industrial Estate to be developed under Public Private Partnership mode. The Planning Commission and ADB were advised on PPP bottlenecks and the use of hybrid models. ADB TA 7008-PAK, 2009
Our staff has served as a Member of Review Group Experts Committee (Industry Expert) of Infrastructure Project Development Facility, Ministry of Finance, GOP. Staff reviewed and advised on the “Draft Standardized Public Private Partnership Provisions” prepared by IPDF for “User Pays” PPP. The review entailed prescribing how these key issues must be dealt with in PPP agreements, in a manner that achieves the requirements of “substantial risk transfer”, “value for money” and “affordability”, as these terms are defined or otherwise dealt with in the PPP Law/Policy/PPP Manual. Development of Standardized PPP provisions serve as the baseline for negotiations and drafting of PPP Agreements for PPP Projects where the Federal Government has direct or indirect, actual, or contingent financial exposure. The standard is issued by the MOF, 2008
Technical, Financial and Legal Feasibility Study for Lahore Ring Road and Lahore Multan Motorway Project for China State Construction Engineer Co (CSCEC) on BOT basis.
Remodeling of Sher Shah Khan Stadium, Peshawar with PPP – Project entails the commercial development on a 56-acre site comprising of a modern stadium surrounded by a convention center, office towers, hotel and serviced apartments, anchor stores, and a high-end shopping mall. ACC provided the technical consultancy for infrastructure development, master planning and architectural modeling for the facility. 11th Corp Pakistan Army, 2010
Lahore – Islamabad Motorway Project M-2 on BOT – Provided third party evaluation services as Quality Assurance Inspector (QAI) for the Rehabilitation of the Lahore Islamabad Motorway Project M-2. Total length is 333 km in addition to Islamabad Link Road (7 kms) and Lahore Bypass (17 km). Lenders hired M/s Associated Consultancy Centre Pvt. Ltd. (ACC) as the Quality Assurance Inspector (QAI) for review the design proposal, detailed design procedures and construction activities. Scope of work for the project is overlay of M-2 to achieve improved riding quality to an international motorway standard and Modernization of Motorway facilities and allied equipment. 2015-2016 FWO / NHA

Detailed Engineering Design for Karachi – Hyderabad Motorway Project M-9 on BOT basis – Karachi-Hyderabad Motorway (M-9) comprises of widening of 136 km 4 lanes road into 6 lane, rehabilitation of existing highway 136 km 4 lanes construction of 185 km 2 lane service road of M-9, detailed Design of 8 No. Interchanges and design of the project carried out to establish adequacy, stability, safety, economy, functionality and adherence to the relevant codes and sound engineering practices of all designs, drawings, specifications etc. of the design of M-9 on BOT basis project. 2016-17 – FWO

Independent Engineer on Swat Expressway Project on BOT – Provided third party evaluation services as Independent Engineer for Construction of Swat Expressway Project. The Swat Expressway connects and provide additional route from M-1 (Islamabad – Peshawar Motorway) to the city of Chakdara. Swat Expressway (4-Lane) Expressway will originate from Kernal Sher Khan Interchange on M-1 and ends at Chakdara near intersection of N-45 and N-95. The Swat Expressway alignment will move parallel to the existing N-45 highway. The proposed Swat Expressway have 7 interchanges including already existing Kernal Sher Khan Interchange on M-1. FWO/PKHA 2018-19

Quality Assurance / Quality Control of Lahore – Sialkot Motorway Project on BOT Basis – Monitoring the works carried out by the construction contractors to ensure that they conform to the Construction Performance Standards and the Approved Detailed Design, Supervise / Validate all tests as required in Construction Performance Standards, Preparation of all construction methodologies, Approval of all materials, Mix Designs, JMF as per the Construction Performance Standards, Verify survey works and inspect all construction activities at site and Vetting of IPC as per the agreed milestones specified in the EPC Contract. FWO 2018-19